The 2024 deskpad calendar season is behind us but the dreaded 2025 season is still a raging bull that we need to tackle. To understand what went wrong with your calendars, specifically deskpads, we’ll first just clarify the different options for you. The basic options...
Graphic design is a term that many people have trouble coming to terms with. What does it mean? A Graphic Designer gets asked questions such as “Design… like fashion?” and “It’s basically just art, right?” on an almost weekly basis....
Artificial intelligence (AI) can be used in many ways to enhance the design process for printing products, making them faster, more efficient, and more customisable. Because I have been designing for over 12 years, you could say that I am snobby (I like to call it...
The most important part about following design templates is keeping to the set guides, trim lines and bleed lines. These are the three distinct measurements that are very important to ensure your printed piece will turn out as intended when using our...
Running a small business is simple, right? All you have to do is make a product/service that people want and sell it at a mutually beneficial price… Oh, and make sure you get all your business stationery printing done. No – we know it’s not that...