In order to plan a large scale event properly, you need organisational skills to boot. Even amazingly skilled people need a system that will help them to keep track of everything that is done or hasn’t been done yet when doing event planning. And if you happen to be one of the people who weren’t born with impressive organisational skills, that’s okay too. This checklist will help you to organise your thoughts and give you a clear direction when planning your event.

Whether you are a novice at event planning who has just decided to take on the impossible task of putting an entire event together by yourself, or whether you have been doing this for a while and just need some fresh perspective, this event planning checklist should give you some solid guidance. Yes, this checklist is long. And yes, it does look incredibly overwhelming. But rest assured that this is the best way to help you get some peace of mind in knowing that you truly left no stone unturned, and have everything planned right down to the minutest detail.

To better control your event, keep your event planning checklist with you during the course of the event, so that you can take immediate action if and when necessary.

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  1. Event location and venue
  2. Event completion and opening dates
  3. Number of guests attending
  4. Alphabetized guest list
  5. Special and VIP guests on a separate list
  6. Guest contact details – phone numbers, email addresses, etc
  7. Event budget accounting for publicity, decorations, food and beverage, entertainers, transport, insurance, first aid equipment, media people, licenses and permit fees
  8. Entertainment
  9. Keynote speakers
  10. Photographer/videographer

Equipment Requirements

  1. Lectern
  2. Podium
  3. Public address system
  4. Microphone(s): Neck, podium, table, floor
  5. Raised platform
  6. Projection screen
  7. Video projector
  8. Remote control cord
  9. Overhead projector
  10. Flip charts, markers
  11. Extension cords
  12. DVD player and monitor:
  13. Lap top to Screen


  1. For equipment
  2. Lease or charter vehicles
  3. To and from parking areas
  4. For speakers & special guests
  5. Between locations
  6. Signs on vehicles
  7. Publish or post schedules

Event Food & Beverage Arrangements

  1. Menu selection
  2. Caterers
  3. Schedule
  4. Type service (buffet, seated)
  5. Place cards
  6. Seating program
  7. Beverages

Access TicketingPrint Affordable Tickets!

  1. Prices
  2. Advance sales
  3. Printing
  4. Distribution
  5. Sales reports
  6. Ticket and money control
  7. Complimentary tickets
  8. Press tickets
  9. Sales at doors
  10. Collection at events

Publicity & Promotion Considerations

  1. Email blastsYour flyers are one click away
  2. Online advertising
  3. Posters, flyers, banners, brochures
  4. Talk show appearances
  5. Press packets
  6. Press room
  7. Special phone lines and internet connectivity for media
  8. Web page announcement
  9. Press and media connections

Even with the most amazing speaker or entertainment line-up and a perfectly planned event, you need publicity to get people in the door. Event promotion starts with the initial notice or page on your website, note in your newsletter or email to save the date, and then builds to include online and off-line publicity, media relations and on-going outreach to encourage registration. If you need help with any of your printed materials for your event, don’t hesitate to contact Printulu at [email protected] for easy online ordering and unbeatable prices!


Related Articles:

  1. Variable-Data-Printing – How to personalise your print marketing
  2. What is the Best Promotional Merchandise for My Marketing Objectives

  3. Episode 2 – 5 Omnichannel Marketing Mistakes to Avoid

  4. What are the benefits of large format print?

Further Reading:

  1. Five Event Planning Skills You Need for Success
  2. 42 Tips For Producing A Memorable Small Business Event
