Printulu Blog

Beyond practical guidance, our print blog serves as a platform for inspiration and exploration. Immerse yourself in captivating case studies, learn from industry experts, and discover the latest trends shaping the print landscape.

At Printulu, we understand that print is a dynamic and ever-evolving medium. As technology continues to advance, we embrace the intersection of print and digital, exploring exciting developments such as augmented reality in print, and personalised print experiences. Stay ahead of the curve and discover how print is continually redefining itself in the modern era.

The Top 10 Notepad Design Tips

Welcome to a fresh take on notepad customisation for those who love refined stationery design. If you're into personal notepad enhancement, love...

RGB to CMYK Converter

Welcome to the world of colour space conversion! If you've ever struggled with moving from digital to print, you're in the right place. Our RGB to...

Design Tips

Our team of experts share valuable insights, techniques, and practical advice to help you navigate the ever-evolving landscape of design. Whether you’re looking for inspiration, guidance on specific design tools, or strategies to improve your creative process, Design Tips is the perfect place to find what you need.


Printing Guide

From Paper Grammage to Litho Print &  Finishing Techniques

Whether you are a designer or the owner of a small to medium business, having extensive printing knowledge in your back pocket will come in handy. Our extensive printing guide will explain anything.

Marketing Tips

Whether you’re a marketing professional, a business owner, or someone interested in the world of marketing, this category is your go-to resource for all things related to effective marketing strategies.


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